Liebermann Kiepe

Liebermann Kiepe is a design studio based in Hamburg, Germany. Their website features a brief description of themselves with links to their respective social media sites. If the viewer wants to get in contact, simply scroll down and have a multitude of online business cards thrown on the screen.


Vgrafiks is a Manila Based Branding agency & Graphic Design studio. Featuring a humorous display of clip art and Shutterstock videos followed by examples of their work.

Lawler Ballard Van Durand

Lawler Ballard Van Durand is a studio based in Atlanta, Georgia. Their website is a reaction to the common design studio aesthetic.  Featuring a cool brutalist look with stock photos and large text.

Brock Kenzler

Brock Kenzler is a digital designer based in Australia. His website pays homage to the Mac OS user-interface with the drop down navigation that reveals his playful side projects.