Laurel Halo is a musician based in Michigan, United States. Dancing interactive letters make for a playful experience while you listen to samples of her music.

wwwoah! is a gallery for the handcrafted website that celebrates expression in interactive design.
Each submission is reviewed and taken into consideration. Email your submission to submit[at] with a link to the website and credit to the design and development.
Laurel Halo is a musician based in Michigan, United States. Dancing interactive letters make for a playful experience while you listen to samples of her music.
Dreamland is an interactive experiment by Hunk Xing. This website features a black and white exploration of the layout, user interface, and css transformations.
Ingo Offermanns is a Graphic Designer and Typography Teacher at the HFBK Hamburg, Germany. As the viewer first clicks the page, the bottom navigation stretches to the top while bringing up a delicate display of his work.
5 PM is an online store based in Nantes, France. Large type opens to reveal the navigation and an example of what is for sale. As the viewer clicks through, they are greeted by a neat grid that displays the rest of their products.
Timothy Schaumburg is a photographer and filmmaker based in Berlin, Germany. His website features minimalistic typography with slideshows that focus primarily on the artist’s work.
Julian Charrière is a French-Swiss artist based in Berlin, Germany. This website’s navigation greets you with a clever overview of the artist’s work. Turning into the project navigation upon scrolling down.
HafenCity University’s Urban Design website based in Hamburg, Germany. This website features large rectangular navigation that slides as the viewer interacts with it.