Netro is a digital design studio based in Etelsen, Germany. This website is all about distorted images and type as the user scrolls down.

wwwoah! is a gallery for the handcrafted website that celebrates expression in interactive design.
Each submission is reviewed and taken into consideration. Email your submission to submit[at] with a link to the website and credit to the design and development.
Netro is a digital design studio based in Etelsen, Germany. This website is all about distorted images and type as the user scrolls down.
Fallon is an Advertisin
A promotional website for the release of Helios’s album, Yume. Featuring an interactive music experience with a pretty color palette, Yume gives the viewer the control of which sample they listen to through a draggable interface.
Robynne Redgrave is a graphic designer from Toronto. As you scroll, images fly by in all directions.
My Name Is Wendy is a design studio based in Paris, France. Featuring an efficient and functional drop-down layout. Making their work be the largest, and most colorful element on the page.
Jérémy Vitté is a Graphic designer based in Paris, France. When scrolling down Vitté’s website, a scatter of work is revealed, ascending to the top of the screen.