Youth Experimental is a graphic design studio based in Lima, Peru. This website has a classic 90’s web blue and yellow color scheme followed by a dark slideshow as the viewer inspects their projects.
wwwoah! is a gallery for the handcrafted website that celebrates expression in interactive design.
Each submission is reviewed and taken into consideration. Email your submission to submit[at] with a link to the website and credit to the design and development.
Timothy Schaumburg is a photographer and filmmaker based in Berlin, Germany. His website features minimalistic typography with slideshows that focus primarily on the artist’s work.
Netro is a digital design studio based in Etelsen, Germany. This website is all about distorted images and type as the user scrolls down.
Julian Charrière is a French-Swiss artist based in Berlin, Germany. This website’s navigation greets you with a clever overview of the artist’s work. Turning into the project navigation upon scrolling down.
HafenCity University’s Urban Design website based in Hamburg, Germany. This website features large rectangular navigation that slides as the viewer interacts with it.
Der Ringer is a soft punk band from Berlin. Their website plays off the “captcha” aesthetic by immersing the viewer with distorted interactive type that can be used to receive a free download.
Kristina Bartošová is a graphic designer based in Graz, Austria. Bartošová’s large navigation causes images to pop up when the viewer hovers over the associated project’s name.
The Multi 2017 is a student-run interdisciplinary design conference at Purchase College, SUNY. Featuring screen-side navigation and colorful variations of the Multi’s ‘M’.